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Illustration projects...
In of June 2022, I created and released "Spirit-Deck" for sale. It is a fully illustrated 28 card oracle-style deck. This project has been in the works for a while and is finally seeing the light of day... This special run of 1000 will be retired once the final deck is sold. It will never be set to print again. Click the picture to see more about this unique artistic venture of mine!
I have created various greeting card sets with my illustrations as well as a few vinyl stickers and other little projects. Check this link to see a few samples of the print work I've created.
Previous Illustration Work
I worked with the team at Future Lore Studios to help with their TCG game "Legions: Realms at War". I did the card artwork on the first edition of the base game set, and it was a huge but very interesting project!
Although eventually the limited runs with my artwork will be phased out as collectors editions and replaced by beautiful digital art versions - it was still a project I was thrilled to be a part of. If you are interested in a new (and very quickly growing) Canadian TCG game, please check them out! Facebook group is linked in the LEGIONS logo picture..
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